Kurita Water & Environment Event

Kurita Europe


Keynote speech
How Smart Companies Stop Selling Products and Start Delivering Value
Round Table - Navigating the Future of Water: Innovation, Knowledge, and Environmental Goals
Sustainability Goals and Plant Operational Efficiency for Enhanced Competitiveness

Interview with Air Liquide


Boost productivity and achieve environmental targets with wise steam treatment.
FReE! Be cool and sustainable with: Fouling Removal Efficiency Program
Every drop counts – Save water now with Kurita’s Innovative Cooling Tower Blowdown Recovery System
Cetamine Boiler Treatment - One step closer to a greener planet
Total Wastewater Reuse - Kurita Electric Cars Factory Success Story

Keynote Speech


How Smart Companies Stop Selling Products and Start Delivering Value

Businesses across sectors are under unprecedented pressure to aid society and our environment, all the while battling inflation and relentless commoditization. One solution to this puzzle is to rethink how your company earns from customers, shifting from selling “stuff” to delivering—and profiting from—desired outcomes. 


Round Table - Navigating the Future of Water: Innovation, Knowledge, and Environmental Goals

Join our round table discussion with our experts to explore how our 75 years of water treatment expertise and innovations can contribute to Sustainable Development Goals.

We will discuss how digital transformation, IoT/AI technologies, innovation, knowledge, businesses, and industries can efficiently manage water resources.

Sustainability Goals and Plant Operational Efficiency for Enhanced Competitiveness

Join our open discussion with Mr. Arturo Ballester, Water Technology expert at Air Liquide, on how we bridge from the high-level corporate objectives to specific actions at plant level using innovative chemical programs, convenient on-line KPI-monitoring and necessary communication & coordination among the different expert teams involved.

Boost productivity and achieve environmental targets with wise steam treatment

Kurita presents Kurita Dropwise Condensation Technology, a solution designed to increase productivity and reduce energy consumption in industrial steam systems with low initial investment. The technology, awarded the Energy Conservation Grand Prize by the Energy Conservation Center in Japan, has currently reduced the energy costs of more than 500 industrial systems worldwide, increasing their competitiveness and helping them to achieve the SDGs. 


FReE! Be cool and sustainable with: Fouling Removal Efficiency Program

Isn’t it that everybody should feel FReE to ask how we can go together towards a sustainable future? Please do so and ask how to contribute at your cooling tower facility to Energy, Water and CO2 savings. Go beyond traditional approaches by optimizing the functioning of your system for energy preservation and water requirements.


Every drop counts – Save water now with Kurita’s Innovative Cooling Tower Blowdown Recovery System

Learn more about the effective and efficient use of water in cooling tower facilities and save up to 80% of cooling tower blowdown with Kurita’s innovative solution – the Cooling Tower Blowdown Recovery System.


Cetamine Boiler Treatment - One step closer to a greener planet

Kurita’s innovative Cetamine Technology is designed for complete protection of large variety of types, diameters and pressure ranges of steam generators and boiler systems. Composed of Cetamine Filmforming Substances, Cetamine creates a hydrophobic protective film acting as a barrier between water and metal, effectively inhibiting corrosion and scaling.

Learn what we can do in terms of water savings and CO2 emission reduction through the unique technology of Kurita for Boiler Water Treatment in a Power Plant.


Total Wastewater Reuse, a Kurita Electric Cars Factory Success Story

Learn how Kurita understanding the needs of a German Electric Cars Factory built in a very dry area have developed a CCRO and RO project for a Zero Liquid Discharge Objective. 

In this project, the global line of Avista membrane treatment chemicals has been the key to cover a full spectrum of foulants and scales in the Reverse Osmosis Systems.


Event partner:

The main mission of the Kilian Jornet Foundation is the preservation of mountains and their environment.

Although mountain environments are different throughout the world, they share many of the same problems as they are very vulnerable natural areas. Our goal is to work towards a durable, solid and long-lasting cooperative engagement and collective action in order to preserve mountain environments.

Study the properties of water, master them, and we will create an environment in which nature and humanity are in harmony
